Send emails for free using Minutemailer

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Emails are one of the most cost efficient ways of marketing yourself and your business towards your contacts or customers.

But maybe you are low on budget for some reason. No worries. Using Minutemailer there is a way to send emails for free.

Minutemailer uses credits for sending emails and here is how to get email credits for free.

Read more about how credits work on

There are two ways of doing it:

Use your unique referral link to send emails for free

  1. Go to Billing under your settings on Minutemailer
  2. Click Earn credits
  3. There you can either copy your unique referral link and share it or you can click the buttons to share directly on Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin or as an email using Minutemailer
  4. Every contact that creates an account gives you free credits to send emails with

Rember to not spam people with your referral link but explain the benefits of sending emails and using Minutemailer as well as how they get extra free credits if they sign up using your link.

Or you can:

Invite colleagues to your team and send emails for free

  1. Go to Members under your settings for your team on Minutemailer
  2. Click invite and enter the emails of your colleagues to invite them and collaborate on newsletters
  3. Get free credits for every member you add to your team that creates an account on Minutemailer

Working together with your team in Minutemailer is something we really recommend and leads to better content as more people can join in and contribute.

Now go get some free credits and send more emails! It really is more efficient than most other channels you can use for marketing.

Also read 10 Businesses That Can Shine with Email Marketing to see how you can use email marketing for your business.